About the Artist
Aidan McRae Thomson has specalised in the design and execution of stained glass windows since graduating in 1996 and along with having spent time as part of a conservation studio has created windows for a variety of churches across the Midlands. He now works as an independent artist in the medium, and has recently added church mural decoration to his oeuvre.
My designs are a synthesis of the contemporary and traditional in approach, often featuring complex leadwork
and much painted detail. More representational works frequently combine age old subject matter with a
contemporary twist.
My biggest project to date has been the complete glazing scheme of eleven windows and painted ceiling decoration at the new St Anne's Roman Catholic church in Nuneaton.
For more information and enquiries regarding new commissions see below, or visit my gallery of images on Flickr at the following address http://www.flickr.com/photos/amthomson/sets/72157604058036098/
My designs are a synthesis of the contemporary and traditional in approach, often featuring complex leadwork
and much painted detail. More representational works frequently combine age old subject matter with a
contemporary twist.
My biggest project to date has been the complete glazing scheme of eleven windows and painted ceiling decoration at the new St Anne's Roman Catholic church in Nuneaton.
For more information and enquiries regarding new commissions see below, or visit my gallery of images on Flickr at the following address http://www.flickr.com/photos/amthomson/sets/72157604058036098/
I have recently relocated (having been based in Redditch for many years) back to my hometown of Rugby.
Contact Information

Aidan McRae Thomson BA Hons
Mob. 07760 147774
150 Percival Road,
CV22 5JX
[email protected]
Mob. 07760 147774
150 Percival Road,
CV22 5JX
[email protected]